No, it's not a new Alan Moore comic.
But another pun title, this time about what we use to control video
Let's start off with a thought
experiment, what is the ultimate video game? Answer: The Matrix. If
you haven't seen the movie “The Matrix” is an all encompassing
simulation so real that people can't tell it's not. A simulated world
that's as detailed as the real world, but can be manipulated as
easily as any digital one can. You want superpowers? Bam! Done. You
want your “house” to be a mansion, a mythical tower, a giant
spaceship? It's all within reach and just as detailed as if it was
really happening.
While we may not want soulless machine
overlords to run this, and I could certainly go on about a bunch of
even more “out there” science fiction like concepts, the example
given will do for the moment. The thought experiment, or rather test,
goes like this: Is the advancement proposed moving us closer to “The
Matrix”? Or stated another way: Are we at the point where we could
build “The Matrix” yet?
If the answer to first way is “yes”,
then I'd say as a concept whatever new technology under consideration
is a good one (from a commercial viability standpoint). If the answer
to the second way is no, then I'd say we can still make progress.
There will never be “good enough” in graphics, in sound, in
controls, in whatever until it's at that “This is what's going to
be part of The Matrix” stage. Humans always want more, we always
want to advance, and so we will until it some distant point in the
future where we are finally at the stage that we don't care.
So, what the hell does all this have to
do with controllers? Well, we have pretty good artificial sound, and
it's advancing every year. We have artificial visuals so good we
probably have reached the “Matrix” like level of believability,
even if we can't do it in real time yet. So while these subjects will
probably be covered tangentially in this blog, what we don't have
anywhere close to “The Matrix” like level is controls or the
other three senses.
So, for this blog post let's
concentrate on controls, or rather controllers. Practicably we'll be
concentrating on control options available for the next few years at
a cost and usability level available for widespread consumer
First thing, head mounted displays of
any kind. To track your head movement and/or cover your eyes to give
you a completely immersed view of the virtual world. The answer is
no. Yeah, it's that straightforward and simple. Current 3d Tv's have
not caught on partially because people don't want to wear easily
losable, dorky looking 3d glasses.
Further studies have clearly indicated
that any sort of the enclosed virtual reality display is extremely
confining and uncomfortable for the average user. Leisure activities
that require something most people highly uncomfortable...
So moving on we'll next cover
touchscreens or touchpads. Great for casual interfaces, do you know
of any hardcore game that simply “must” use a touchpad? Neither
do I, and that's because unless you're an artist with a stylus
touchscreen are imprecise. Not the recipe for a “hardcore” title.
But what about casual titles? Well
first off they don't need imprecise controls either. Secondly with
the popularity of smartphones and tablets I'd say there's little call
for some other device really needing a touchscreen or pad. It's not
that the input method doesn't have its uses, it's that I'm guessing
most of those uses for games are more likely going to be played on
devices that already have those inputs available.
I could be wrong, there could be some
undiscovered combination of touchpad/screen and more precise
“hardcore” controls that hasn't been discovered yet. But from
what I've heard this seems unlikely. Those who attempted to use a
touchscreen or pad to replace a mouse for gaming report only failure.
Further we've already had a
stylus/touchscreen device out with more traditional controls attached
for some time. Yet the only use of the DS's touchscreen that I've
particularly seen is for controlling a user interface and for drawing
games. While drawing games may be interesting I doubt the genre will
ever be large enough to warrant a dedicated addition to a standard
controller of some kind.
So, moving on.
Let's cover something else that
controllers can do, and that's rumble. While not a control at all, it
does cover a little of one of those other three senses. In brief, why
can't we try to expand this? The idea: four fully programmable
(duration, frequency, intensity) rumble motors sitting at the four
rose points in an otherwise standard (read, dual shock-ish) game
Imagine you are playing a racing game
and your car's left front tire starts sliding into the dirt. The
front and left rumble motors activate and suddenly you can “feel”
the tire going off. Pretty cool, in hypothesis, if you ask me. The
“you are getting shot from ____ direction” indicator in shooters
could do something similar. There could be entirely new types of
gameplay where you'd “feel” your way around as a sixth sense. In
the end, I just think it would be worth trying.
Continued in part 2, coming soon!
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